Idolii Forului

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Parlamentarii din… sunt acuzați că și-au falsificat diplomele

de Sorin Adam Matei

Publicat la 17-07-2010 | Un comentariu

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — In a national scandal that has evoked outrage as well as laughter, dozens of Pakistani Parliament members have been accused in recent months of possessing fraudulent university degrees.



Times Topic: Pakistan

In one case, a member was disqualified by the Supreme Court for holding a fraudulent master’s degree in Islamic studies. In a hearing, the man could not name the first two chapters of the Koran, the newspaper Dawn reported. Another report said a member claimed to have obtained a master’s degree 14 years before earning his bachelor’s.

Politicians have shown remarkable chutzpah in rejecting the charges of dishonesty over meeting a parliamentary requirement of a bachelor’s degree.

“A degree is a degree,” said Nawab Aslam Raisani, the chief minister of Baluchistan Province and an ally of President Asif Ali Zardari. “Whether fake or genuine, it’s a degree. It makes no difference.”

via Pakistani Legislators Face Accusations of Faking Their Degrees –

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